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  • Writer's pictureAlex Bemish

Status of "Ars Nihil" (9/25/2023)

Updated: Dec 27, 2023

Too much going on with life and getting more dissatisfied with my writing approach/style, so still going to be touch-and-go with blogging for a while longer. The "Interesting Things Roundups" are going to now be every 2-4 months (next one will be planned for either November or December). They're becoming too cumbersome to put together but I do like having records of all the cool things I've found during the periods posted. I'm also going to be a little more selective in what gets included as well.

I'll also keep doing the "Something Interesting" posts and the Miscellanies but hoping they'll be more polished and less written off-the-cuff. I want to actually think through what I'm writing and not just bullshitting like I did for the last several posts. This was all starting to feel more like dread-work and not the fun hobby I had picked up again. I also want to grow as a writer and I feel I haven't been doing that recently. I'm trying to figure out what else I want to post here too. There's actual essays and stories I've been wanting to pump out for the past year but I haven't been able to sit down and give them the attention they deserve.

Long story short: this blog's still not dead but currently hibernating again. Please be patient and be on the lookout for new things sometime soon.

Photo by C Dustin on Unsplash

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