I had such high hopes to be more active on this thing and then the world had to throw several hundred wrenches into my plans...

Bunnies photographed by Lucie Hošová
Still alive but it will probably be a while before I get back to adding anything substantial. Also playing around with the possibility of writing more serious pieces under a pseudonym. I'm in a bit of a creative rut along with dealing with the world being on fire generally. I'll get new posts on this blog sometime soon, just don't know what it'll look like or when. Might just be more stupid shit like random things I've found or am obsessing over at the moment. That's probably what this blog's going to be from this point out, my I Love Stupid Shit website. The world could actually use more of those to be honest to counter all of the madness going on around us.
Just have to take things one day at a time and keep the head above the water. To anyone reading this: take care, stay safe, and keep sane. - Alex Bemish (3/6/2025)